Research thousands of products and services with test results, ratings, recommendations and buying guides. Consumer Reports is a nonprofit organization that provides unbiased reports on a variety of products to help you make better, more informed purchasing decisions.
Primary sources including photographs, manuscripts, maps, sound recordings, motion pictures, books and websites.
Digital Maryland provides online access to over 5,000 digitized items important to Maryland history including historical maps, artwork, photographs and manuscripts.
Collection of scholarly journals and general interest titles that covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences.
A general-interest periodical resource allowing users to find the information they want quickly, with intuitive searching that ensures they tap into quality sources.
The Culinary Arts Collection offers a smorgasbord of information—more than five million articles from more than 250 major cooking and nutrition magazines, as well as book reference content from Delmar such as About Wine, Introduction to Catering, Advanced Bread and Pastry, and Eat Fit Be Fit. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
A must-have for social science, history and liberal arts coursework, the Diversity Studies Collection explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in the global community. This collection includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals, updated daily. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder,and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
The Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory offers instant access to full-text academic journals and magazines—with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Content is useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.
Provides periodical and journal articles on multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, testing, administration and more.
This innovative full-text newspaper resource allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines provides access to the most searched magazines across the OneFile products. All of the titles are selected based on actual publication searches performed by library patrons and the database includes many titles recommended by Bowker's "Magazines for Libraries."
With the Gale OneFile: Science, researchers can remain current with the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and hundreds of other areas. More than 350 full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, this collection includes more than 1.6 million articles to satisfy almost every scientific inquiry. Key subjects covered include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.
Engage kids and young students to broaden their educational horizons with reputable, special, authoritative, and age-appropriate digital content that brings them the world in a way they have never seen before. National Geographic Kids will take them on amazing adventures in science, nature, wildlife, culture, geography, archaeology, and space.
Engage kids and young students to broaden their educational horizons with reputable, special, authoritative, and age-appropriate digital content that brings them the world in a way they have never seen before. National Geographic Kids will take them on amazing adventures in science, nature, wildlife, culture, geography, archaeology, and space.
Millions of newspaper pages from around the world from 1753 to present.
Offers thousands of downloadable audiobooks, eBooks, and magazines. Get the app on Google Play and Apple App Store.
Popular daily newspaper. Today's issue as well as past issues.
Use this link if you are using the library's computers or the library Wi-Fi on your own device. You will be directed to  There should be no paywall and no registration prompt with onsite access.
Using your personal computer or device outside of the Library, use this link to reach a page to register for three days of access to The Wall Street Journal or sign in if you’ve already registered. Register or login by entering your name, an email address, and password. On the fourth day, you can return to this page and select the offsite access link again and login; this triggers a new three day access period. You do not need to pay for an account.
Full subscription online access to this popular daily newspaper.  There are separate links for in-library access and offsite access.  Unrestricted offsite access is available to readers for 7 days, beginning at the point of entering the site after registering or logging in.  On the eighth day, users should return to this page and select the offsite access link for;  this triggers a new 7-day access period for the individual. Users do not need to pay for an account.