Freegal® Music is a free music service from Calvert Library. Freegal offers access to about 15 million+ songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. In total the collection is comprised of music from over 40,000+ labels with music that originates in over 100 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions.

Rosetta Stone

Search COSMOS for eAudiobooks, books on CD, eMusic and CD music.


Download eBooks and digital audiobooks to a smartphone, tablet, eReader, laptop, or computer.

Borrow free video, music, and audiobooks with your library card.

Enjoy on your PC, tablet, or phone.

Bookflix logo

BookFlix® is a digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories from Weston Woods with a best-selling nonfiction eBook from Scholastic on a similar subject. The fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts.